Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Making My Online Life Easier

Copyright 2021 By Lori-Ann Willey

Seems how the new Facebook deleted all my NOTES after they said they wouldn't, this is the safest place to post these updates so they are seen.

I’ve decided to make some changes via social media and the World Wide Web. The following is the result:

TWITTER - Account not active.
INSTAGRAM - Account not active.
MEWE Account not active.

Willey’s Dam Camp - Socially Active (Nothing will change. Lifestyle on/off grid)
Lori-Ann Willey (Author) – Socially Not Active (webpage/reference/book listings only)
Tribute Portraits – Less Active until pandemic subsides.
Lori-Ann Willey (personal) – More Active (Allowing Followers and *Friend Requests)
Includes Shares From: The Inept Blogger, Lori-Ann Willey (Author), Tribute Portraits, Lori-Ann Willey (website), etc.
Includes Occasional Shares From: Willey’s Dam Camp, personal YouTube, personal interviews, personable articles, personal media attention, etc.

*Request Friendship, and then send a message so I know you are not a spammer. No message, no friendship. If I do not recognize your name, I will ask you a question that’ll need answering before I accept friendship. My goal is to go through Friend Requests 1x week.

Maine Weather / Road Condition Reports – (Nothing Changes)

Lori-Ann Willey – No Changes
The Inept Blogger – No Change
The Inept Blog (Old) - No longer updated, but readable
YouTube - No longer updated.  Over 500 videos about off the grid living in the Maine woods.
My Bookstore - Always updating my book titles.